It is a liquid mortar and plaster additive added to cement mortars where good adhesion and water impermeability is required.

• Thin layer repair mortars
• Plaster
• Floor screeds
• Concrete repair mortars (for rough and fine plasters)
• Ceramic adhesive mortars
• Wear-resistant coatings
Surface Preparation:
The surfaces to be applied with PROTEK-LATEKS 021 must be damp. 24 hours before and 2 hours before applying the moisturizing process; It is done by completely saturating the surface with water. There should be no puddles on the surfaces. Surfaces must be clean and free of loose particles. Layers that will reduce adherence, such as oil, dirt, paint, cement slurry, rust, salt vomit, must be thoroughly cleaned before application.
• PACKAGING: 6, 20, 30 kg plastic drums and 200 kg plastic barrels or 1000 kg containers
• Appearance / Colour: White / Liquid
• Chemical structure: styrene acrylic emulsion
• Shelf Life: PROTEK-LATEKS 021 is in its undamaged, original, unopened packaging and if the storage conditions are observed; It is suitable for use for 12 months from the date of production.
• Intensity:1.020 ± 0.01 kg/l (at +20°C)
PROTEK-LATEKS 021 The surfaces to be applied must be damp. 24 hours before and 2 hours before applying the moisturizing process; It is done by completely saturating the surface with water. There should be no puddles on the surfaces. Surfaces must be clean and free of loose particles. Layers that will reduce adherence, such as oil, dirt, paint, cement slurry, rust, salt vomit, must be thoroughly cleaned before application.
Primer in Screeds (Old Concrete-New Concrete primer):
1 part cement and 3 parts toothed sand (approximately 0-3 mm toothed) are mixed in dry form. The liquid mixture obtained with 1 part PROTEK-LATEKS 021 and 3 parts water is added to the prepared powder mixture and mixed until it reaches a spreadable consistency. The prepared mortar is applied to the moistened surfaces with a stiff brush and screed is applied on it without allowing it to dry. The prepared mixture is applied with a brush to a thickness of 2 mm on the surface that has been saturated with moisture (wet) approximately 12 hours ago. New concrete or screed should be placed before the mixture dries and the mixture should not be allowed to dry. Since the mixture will lose its adherence enhancing properties if it dries on the surface, the mixture should be reapplied before applying new concrete or screed or cement-based repair mortar. After the application described above, the tensile strength on the surface will exceed 1.5 Mpa.
Screed Making (Flat Screed):
1 part cement and 3-4 parts tooth sand are mixed in dry form. The liquid mixture obtained with 1 part PROTEK-LATEKS 021 and 3 parts water is added to the prepared powder mixture and mixed until it reaches a fluid consistency. After the prepared mortar is applied to the primer surface with the help of a trowel or wedge brush, the prepared PROTEK-LATEKS 021 screed mixture should be placed without allowing the primer to dry.
Screed Making on Industrial Floors;
Mix 1 m³ Aggregate of appropriate grain size, at least 475 kg cement, 200 kg water, 4 kg PROTEK-LATEKS 021 and 8 kg PROJET 022. The primer is applied to the ground. PROTEK-LATEKS 021 is applied without allowing the applied primer to dry (wet on wet). mortar should be applied. The PROJET 022 it contains ensures rapid setting and rapid drying.
In Spreading Mortars:
Serpme Harcı İmalatında: 1 ölçek çimento ve 3-4 ölçek dişli kum kuru halde karıştırılır. Hazırlanan toz karışıma 1 ölçek PROTEK-LATEKS 021 ve 3 ölçek su ile elde edilen sıvı karışımı ilave edilir ve akışkan kıvama gelene kadar karıştırılır. 12 saat önce ıslatılarak neme doygun hale getirilen yüzeye serpme yolu ile uygulanır ve 24 saat kuruması beklenir. Bir sonraki uygulamadan önce(sıva ya da seramik yapıştırıcı) yüzey tekrar ıslatılarak nemlendirilir, daha sonra uygulama yapılır. Serpme harcı görünen yüzeyin %50’sini örtecek yoğunlukta olmalıdır.
Important: In cases where rapid drying of the application is required, it is recommended to use PROJET 022 in all mixtures. The recommended amount of PROJET 022 for 1 scale PROTEK-LATEKS 021 is 2 scales.
Cleaning of Equipment: Clean with water immediately after application.