ULTRA BE-K 1K Bitumen Based, Rubber Added, Water Based, Liquid Waterproofing Material
One-component, designed for multi-purpose projects
It is a bitumen-based, rubber-added, medium viscosity liquid waterproofing material.
The material has flexible, waterproof, adhesive membrane properties.
It can be applied to dry and damp surfaces.
After drying, it forms an uninterrupted layer impermeable to water and moisture on the applied surface.
Coating for insulation purposes, impermeability and adherence to cement-based mortars
As an enhancing additive,
It is used as a primer under bitumen coatings by diluting it with water.

As a moisture proof material in the foundation and basement curtains of buildings,
Kitchen, bathroom etc. As a waterproofing material in dry or damp details,
As a primer in bituminous cover applications,
As a primer material and binder in fiberglass, canvas, etc. applications,
Surface Preparation
The existing surface is clean, dry, flat and free of dirt, dust, oil, wax, mold and PROTECT-A.
ULTRA BE-K 65 is designed to ensure that the surface is free from effects that may deteriorate its performance.
It is necessary to have.
All kinds of loose, dusty, cracked, crusted and previously painted surfaces
scraping, sanding, wire brushing and/or machine assistance (pressurized
must be cleaned with water spray or sandblasting).
At least 1500 – for washing existing surfaces on exterior surfaces with pressurized water.
There should be 2000 psi water pressure.
For metal roof surfaces, loose rust, milling, rust formations adhering to the surface
or white rust on the metal surface using the methods mentioned above.
They should be removed from the surface.
Damaged or decomposed surfaces must be repaired. Old painted surfaces and
irregularities should be sanded.
PROTECT-A ULTRA BE-K 65 can be applied to all surfaces by adding water in a 1:1 ratio.
must be primed.
Before applying primer to the surfaces to be insulated, surface smoothness, surface
It should be checked that it is dry and clean and that there is a sufficient slope screed.
PROTECT-A ULTRA BE-K 65 can be applied with brush, trowel or airless spray machines.
PROTECT-A ULTRA BE-K 65 before and during application
should be mixed.
For best results, apply in two coats, leaving 4-6 hours between coats.
should be implemented. The next coat should not be applied until the first coat is completely dry.
Surface smoothing application with a roller immediately after spray application
This application is recommended as proper adhesion will be ensured when done.
is done.
Apply at surface and ambient temperature between 5˚ C – 35˚ C. External surface
Application against adverse weather conditions that may occur in applications
must be protected.
Depending on the smoothness of the applied surface, an average of 800 gr/m2
When used as a primer, depending on the smoothness of the surface, an average of 400
Application Tools:
Brush and airless spray
Application tools should be cleaned immediately with water after use.
30 Kg. Plastic bucket
Storage And Shelf Life:
It should be stored in its original packaging in a dry environment between +5°C and +30°C.
It has a shelf life of one year in its unopened package, in a dry, cool and closed place.
During application, protective gloves and glasses should be used.